To Protect our High Streets vote for Rupert Matthews on Thursday 2nd May
Much neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour centres around our high streets, retail outlets parks and gardens. I will invest in crime prevention measures to target these public spaces..
I will
- Work with Community Safety Partnerships [CSPs], to fund a range of measures including CCTV, better lighting, mirrors to view around alley corners and emergency help points.
- Encourage the installation of the “DISC” system, Business Crime Reduction Areas and similar schemes to combat shoplifting, assaults on staff and other retail crime to our market towns. I will seek to offer inducements to shops to join – such as funding the first year’s fee for rural shops in our villages.
- Call on the Chief Constable to expand the delegation of certain police powers to individuals from third party organisations – such council officials – who are involved in the delivery of community safety.
- Encourage shared training with council staff and PCSOs.
- Expand the system of project funding to embrace projects with a direct link to the Police and Crime Plan from organisations such as NHW[MCH1] , BIDs, Crimestoppers, Police Beat teams, NFU.
- Call for review of the time consuming online reporting system for business crime.
- Advocate to upgrade the system for uploading CCTV from shop systems, making it easier to use.
- Introduce a dedicated Business Crime Strategy.
Work collaboratively to identify the best solution for sharing case management data, including the use of E-CINS.