Heritage Crime can have a devastating effect on communities. Whether it is stealing lead from church roofs, plundering archaeological sites of irreplaceable finds or vandalising places of worship, the damage and loss to our heritage and cultural assets can have a profoundly negative impact on a community. It results in irreversible loss of historic fabric and archaeological knowledge that will no longer be available for current and future generations to enjoy, study and understand.
To eliminate crime against our heritage I will:
- Continue to work closely with Historic England, the National Rural Crime Network and law enforcement agencies to protect our shared cultural heritage. I will support our Heritage Watch Volunteers by helping prevent heritage crime in the community.
- Lobby government to insert a specific metal theft offence code.
- Call on government to review the current licensing scheme for scrap metal dealers to ensure it remains fit for purpose
- Make the case for the recording of additional detail on metal crime, including type stolen, quantity, value and social impact to support prosecutions.