Youngsters from a Charnwood estate have been brushing up on their ball skills with the aid of professional coaching funded by Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews.
The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland PCC has vowed to support the expansion of community provision for young people across the force area to help promote positive attitudes and discipline and prevent involvement in crime and ASB.
Mr Matthews said: "Young people are an important part of our community, and it is vital we listen to their experiences. This is why great effort was taken to consult young people in the design of this scheme and a location chosen that reflected their choice and needs.
"I am delighted with the feedback received from the participants who all said they had enjoyed attending. I am determined to reduce the amount of ASB blighting our communities. As sport is proven to break down barriers and drive social change I will continue to seek out and fund other positive projects that push young people to grow resilience and succeed."
Funding provided by the PCC to Charnwood Community Safety Partnership has covered hire costs to enable the delivery of weekly football sessions to young people living in the Warwick Way area of Charnwood between May 2023 and March 2024. More than 20 youngsters aged 12-14 and 15-18 have been supported through the programme.
The coaching was delivered as part of Leicester City in the Community's Premier League Kicks programme which provides free weekly football sessions and education workshops for young people in safe and supportive community environments. The organisation worked alongside the community hub Altogether Place and Active Charnwood to address concerns about the lack of youth activity in the area, with local residents playing a key role in bringing the project to fruition.
Warwick Way has previously seen a high rate of ASB, and the issue is believed to be significantly underreported.
Project leaders engaged with local partners to ensure the sessions reached the right individuals while referrals were made by a range of agencies and youth workers including Leicestershire Police.
Two of the cohort had the opportunity to represent Leicester City in a Kicks U12 tournament at Tottenham Hotspur Training Ground in North London with other participants across Leicester and Leicestershire. They met a professional Spurs player and competed against other clubs.
Mr Matthews said: "Young people are an important part of our community, and it is vital we listen to their experiences. This is why great effort was taken to consult young people in the design of this scheme and a location chosen that reflected their choice and needs.
"I am delighted with the feedback received from the participants who all said they had enjoyed attending. Sport can cut break down barriers and drive social change and I will continue to seek out and fund other positive projects that push young people to grow resilience and succeed."
Cllr Liz Blackshaw, the Council's lead member for communities and neighbourhoods, said: "I'm really pleased to see this project having an impact on youngsters around the Warwick Way area and it is great to hear of the positive feedback from residents.
"The Council, through the Charnwood Community Safety Partnership, works closely with partners such as the Police and Crime Commissioner to identify areas which have a high number of ASB reports and it is important that funding and these type of initiatives are put in place to ensure that we can continue to reduce ASB across Charnwood."
Photo:Rupert Matthews with Joe McSharry, LCFC Community Coordinator (Football Welcomes and Charnwood Lead)