A major international project has held its inaugural UK event in Nottingham. The initiative, called Projekt Hansa, was recently launched by East Midlands Conservative MEP Rupert Matthews to promote trade, tourism and develop cultural links across northern Europe. It builds on the legacy of the medieval Hanseatic League which established trade links across the British Isles, Scandinavia, northern Germany, and the Baltic.
The event, held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, was attended by prominent members of the business community in the East Midlands. There was also a panel discussion with experts including; Professor David Paton, an economist at Nottingham University Business School, Dr Lee Rotherham, an EU expert, Neville Baxter, a prominent Nottinghamshire based businessman and Ian Harrison, Director of Exports for The Midlands at the Department for International Trade.
During the event the guests quizzed the panel on the implications of a no trade deal, their views for the future of export in the Midlands and the discussed effect on the labour market. Before discussion broadened to include the UK’s relationships with northern European countries around trade, culture and tourism.
At the close of the event, Rupert Matthews, commented:
“It was pleasure to bring Projekt Hansa to Nottingham for the first UK event. It was fascinating to hear the views of the panellists and guests in what was a lively and engaging discussion which focussed on trade, as well as tourism and culture.
“What was really encouraging was to hear the positivity in the room about the opportunities for future trade. Many of the guests are trading all over the world and many were keen to be involved in the initiative.
“We also have events planned in Denmark, Finland, Germany and Belgium discussing everything from fishing to trade. We are forging new links right across Northern European and if today’s event is anything to go by, we have a positive future ahead.”
For more information about Projekt Hansa, please visit; http://www.projekthansa.org/ or follow us on Twitter @HansaProjekt