Tweet Listening to Melton and the Vale of Belvoir Current Local Issues National Issues Get involved Your details Leave this field blank 1.1 How satisfied are you with the visibility of police in Melton and the Vale of Belvoir? Very satisfied Satisfied Unsure Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied No opinion 1.2 How satisfied are you with the communication from the police in Melton and the Vale of Belvoir? Very satisfied Satisfied Unsure Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied No opinion 1.3 As lockdown measures have eased, have you witnessed or experienced any crime or anti-social behaviour? Yes No 1.4 And how safe do you feel walking around Melton and the Vale of Belvoir? On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is extremely unsafe and 10 is extremely safe. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.5 Which TWO of the following are you most concerned about in your local neighbourhood? Anti-social behaviour Knife crime Burglary and robbery Road safety and speeding Rural crime Other…please state Enter other… 1.6 Which of the following measures do you think would be best to help prevent crime? Please choose the most important measure to you? More police on patrol Tackling drug crime Tougher fines for anti-social behaviour More police co-operation with Neighbourhood Watch schemes and Parish Councils More activities for young people Decisions about policing made more locally Neighbourhood watch schemes Other…please state Enter other… 1.7 Policing tactics need to be different in the City and Rural Areas. How satisfied are you with policing tactics in Melton and the Vale of Belvoir? Very satisfied Satisfied Unsure Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied 1.8 Do you think that the police should be more involved in your community? Yes No Don't Know 1.9 Are there any further comments you’d like to make about important issues in Melton and the Vale of Belvoir that you’d like tackled? Please let us know.